maureen.elliott: grafitti and ruins at Eugenia Falls
maureen.elliott: Into the Night Sky
maureen.elliott: Gooderham or FlatIron Building, 1892, in Toronto
maureen.elliott: Old and New
maureen.elliott: Westin Hotel at Blue Mt.
maureen.elliott: Grafitti Art
maureen.elliott: Towering
maureen.elliott: Holiday Weekend
maureen.elliott: "Old and New"
maureen.elliott: Looking Out
maureen.elliott: Pig Barn at Night
maureen.elliott: Through the Window
maureen.elliott: Cast A Shadow
maureen.elliott: Through The Window
maureen.elliott: Steps Down
maureen.elliott: Curve Overload
maureen.elliott: The Door and the Window
maureen.elliott: Marilyn Monroe Towers
maureen.elliott: Curving Walkway
maureen.elliott: Beauty Barn
maureen.elliott: CN Tower
maureen.elliott: Clouds, clouds, clouds
maureen.elliott: Two Windows #WindowWednesday
maureen.elliott: Tower of Light
maureen.elliott: #143 Window Wednesday
maureen.elliott: Marble Bench.... Tuscan textures
maureen.elliott: Small Window
maureen.elliott: Corner Coffee