m1nna.: Day 156 - Day 151 Part 2
m1nna.: Day 155 - An Oldie
m1nna.: noms
m1nna.: Day 154 - maybe i think you're cute and funny
m1nna.: Day 153 - well maybe
m1nna.: please, please, please, let me get what I want
m1nna.: Day 152 - looking ahead
m1nna.: this is the center of the universe at this moment unless you're looking in another direction, or are thinking about something from a long time ago, in which case it will wait quietly right here until you return
m1nna.: Day 151 - Work to work it out
m1nna.: Day 150 - Everything's gonna be alright
m1nna.: Good eats :)
m1nna.: Candid
m1nna.: Day 149 - you won't bring me down
m1nna.: life is a short trip
m1nna.: Day at the Beach
m1nna.: A familiar Flickr face
m1nna.: for what it's worth, it was worth all the while
m1nna.: Happy days
m1nna.: Here's the day you hoped would never come
m1nna.: Always sunny
m1nna.: Day 148 - Spring :)
m1nna.: Dat 147 - It's a very fragile world, she told us, so walk carefully everywhere you go & we promised to remember for as long as we could.
m1nna.: You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
m1nna.: Polaroid Fail.
m1nna.: Day 146 - just what i needed to hear
m1nna.: Day 145 - in fact there's nothing i can't be
m1nna.: you're the one i've decided who is one of my kind
m1nna.: philadelphia state of mind
m1nna.: Day 144 - i don't get many things right the first time