José Luis Pereira: 2024-04-28-0842_7
BruceCouch: Aspens
FotoGrazio: Predator's Patience
Roger Hutchinson: 20221214 23-36UT Mars
wprimik: Komet Churyumow-Gerasimenko Animation 2hrs
Jaicoa: m2022-12-20-0246_RGB-em
Roger Hutchinson: 20221207 Mars Occultation Composite Crop
David H. Hull: Mars_Moon_Occultation_11-2022_1
BruceCouch: Oregon desert
wprimik: standing beside "my telescope", which I used for 2 years for spectrograph calibration and radial velocity work,
Jaicoa: j2022-09-12-0531_RGB-EMr
wprimik: NGC 7184 Galaxy with inner ring structure in Aquarius "Saturn Galaxy"
astrofil: 2022-0819 DSC_4888 lancement 2022-101 Starlink
Alexander Büsgen: Way down we go
David H. Hull: Refractograph 245
Steve Dewey: Plantain Flowers
wprimik: Sonne am 14072022-9h15Mesz
wprimik: Komet C2017 K2 Panstarrs-Animation June19-2022-23h30-00h34-60frames a 60sec Newton 8ZollF4-5
Jaicoa: C2017 K2- 062522-0449ut_DDP-EMr
Giuseppe Nicosia: Luna 7 giugno 2022
wprimik: SUN- Solar White Light Network - 20042022-1503MESZ -starfire-focal
johnnyoptic: Not Done Yet
alohadave: Boston Harborfest 2019 Fireworks
alohadave: Braintree Day Fireworks 2019
Jaicoa: M106-021122-L3hr45m-RGB1hr15m-EMr
Roger Hutchinson: 20220204 Earthshine Moon
David H. Hull: Refractograph 232
relaxednow: IMG_6988e4-Stereo Photo/3D
wprimik: NGC7293 "Helix Nebula", planetary nebula in Aquarius exposure time 13 hrs