MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Bird with Peanut
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Loaded and On the Way Across the Ocean
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Lower Deck for Tractor Trailers
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Loading Deck for Tractor Trailers
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Ferry Cabin
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Snowed In - Nobody Moves
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
150 Miles Thru the Bush
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Two Year old Friesian "Annie"
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
"Dream a Little Dream of Me"
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Overgrown Avalanche Shelter in the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Fog in the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
The Wonders of Macro
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
The Wonders of Macro
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
The Headshot Below was Taken From this Shot
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Deep in Thought
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Sammy Works Hard - He Deserves Some Limelight
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
I Strive for Photography Not of the Ordinary
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Old Montreal 2009 Shot with a Canon 40D
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Capturing a Stranger Creating Love in the Sand
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
It's a Long Lonely Road in Wyoming
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Ocean Horseback Handlers
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Roy Jansink 1954 - 2010
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Self Portrait and Music Links: Not all Working: Harmonium L'Heptade to Finish
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
August Pacific Coast 2011
MJM Photography and Digital Imaging:
Ocean Shores, Wa. USA