mjhinton: oblique light
mjhinton: cellphone selfie
mjhinton: cosmos
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird
mjhinton: dragonfly
mjhinton: fledgling black-chinned hummingbird
mjhinton: Baby black-chinned hummingbird on nest -- not yet fledged but soon
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird chick on the nest
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird chick on the nest
mjhinton: turtle
mjhinton: Swainson's Hawk
mjhinton: Crayfish
mjhinton: Downy Woodpecker
mjhinton: American Kestrel
mjhinton: Ash-throated Flycatcher
mjhinton: Northern Flicker (red-shafted)
mjhinton: Summer Tanager
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird on apricot
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird drinks from fountain
mjhinton: black-chinned hummingbird drinks from fountain
mjhinton: ocotillo
mjhinton: cardinal
mjhinton: black vulture
mjhinton: scott's oriole
mjhinton: painted bunting
mjhinton: broad-tailed hawk
mjhinton: blanket flowers
mjhinton: thistle
mjhinton: flowers
mjhinton: Autumn loves to run