M Atif Saeed: rainbow mermaid..
Ansgar Hillebrand: Shoshone Falls - B&W ND1000
cindy-lou-boo: Over Lost Lagoon
knuteoen: Nittedal Winter 2014
eggysayoga: Cloud Foliage [Explored]
coral staley-hall: Gorgeous Green Thursday
Fabio Cecchin: The red one.
Martin Gommel: Wo bist Du hingegangen?
V@!$#143: Frozen moments
harimenon4u: Enlightend
M Atif Saeed: Edifice..
ouToFfocuS.: I've learned that good-byes will always hurt, pictures will never replace having been there, memories good and bad will bring tears, and words can never replace feelings...
M Atif Saeed: Stars on Ground , Lines on Sky
M Atif Saeed: Remote Village..
M Atif Saeed: Winter is Coming
aroon_kalandy: Sunset at Calicut .In 100 Galleries.
febinjoy: Lens of nature...
harimenon4u: The beauty and the beholder
Chip Phillips: Frosty Morning-Palouse