Kunto Wicaksono: Facet Lovers
The Aussie Art Maker: Resting Weevil --- Gonipterus scutellatus
SantiEsp: Macro
tracy951: macro
Big_Fish89: Macro
Jerry Hawker: Migrant hawker : Aeshna mixta
graftedno1: Just a drop.....................explore
R. Van Wallendael: Polygonia c-album
Phil du Valois: La Mouche à fleur.
Jerry Hawker: Four-spotted chaser : Libellula quadrimaculata
geraintparry: Southern Hawker
geraintparry: Ladybird
geraintparry: Common Blue
janetbongiovanni: The Three Brothers
janetbongiovanni: The Sanctuary Pond, Omega Institute
janetbongiovanni: Tango in the Park
janetbongiovanni: The Day of Frustration
Remote Expeditions (Tristan Quevilly): Simple life as an art form #minimalism #Colombia #cienagagrandedesantamarta 🌐 tristan29photography.com
Adrian Court LRPS: Lonely [Explored]
Adrian Court LRPS: La Sala Principal
Adrian Court LRPS: Spiralling
Adrian Court LRPS: The Bridge at Night