Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
the eye of the iris
Mitchell Roth:
dogwoods in setting sunlight
Mitchell Roth:
tulip tree after a brief rain shower
Mitchell Roth:
dogwood blossoms in filtered sunlight
Mitchell Roth:
the tulips at the watercolorist, Charles Demuth's grave
Mitchell Roth:
artificial flowers seen through a sunroom window pane
Mitchell Roth:
a rust-colored zinnia
Mitchell Roth:
a glorious red zinnia
Mitchell Roth:
a green bottle fly on a red zinnia
Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
dogwoods along Lehigh Ave
Mitchell Roth:
a redbud branch twining the iron spires of the fence surrounding Lancaster Cemetery.
Mitchell Roth:
through the window blinds
Mitchell Roth:
my wife's great great grandmother's doll
Mitchell Roth:
dangling redbud branches
Mitchell Roth:
dogwood bladogwood blossoms in black and whiteck and white
Mitchell Roth:
pink dogwoods outside St James Lancaster PA
Mitchell Roth:
aqua Buddha
Mitchell Roth:
Rachel's Creperie Lancaster PA
Mitchell Roth:
dogwood blossoms
Mitchell Roth:
the Beadworks in Lancaster
Mitchell Roth:
tulips at the American watercolorist's, Charles Demuth's gravesite
Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
Mitchell Roth:
the Griest Building and the Central Market Tower in Lancaster, PA
Mitchell Roth:
fallen leaves
Mitchell Roth:
on the steps of the public library