thecmn: 53
anthony_cudahy: the blind boy
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 1413 of "An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, & practical. New ed., rev., portions rewritten, and with additions by Wyatt Papworth" (1888)
minions & myrmidons: take a letter maria
Joel Robison: “Time is like a handful of sand- the tighter you grasp it, the faster it runs through your fingers”
F Jo: Floating Lantern 2
cathy cullis: mosaic monday
François DENIS §: Bad Boy §
Michelle Brea: The Other Side of the Looking Glass
Selma Weissmann: Cerâmica 2.
matteo cocci: non piove più
Amy Rice: Hand Printed Fabric and Hand Carved Print Block
Joe Carreon: journal art-angels
LolliePatchouli: Mother and Crone
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giovdim: TEA~TAO
Ira Deshalyt: Potatoes delivery