Photos by the Swamper: Tube City (see narrative below !)
Jay O'C: L1003111
TexasFlora: Quercus macdonaldii MEa 01
Paul Mags: lores-024
sonnia hill: Cardiospemum halicacabum
sonnia hill: Lespedeza repens
sonnia hill: Cynanchum laeve
Matt Buckingham: Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter Bee
schyter: sacchiletto a Ciauta ;/)
Rob Sneed: Jeff Davis County, Texas
antvssnake43: Sony ILCE-6700
Matt Buckingham: Flower Hopping
jim_mcculloch: Skipper
Alan Cressler: Acharia stimulea, My House, Atlanta, DeKalb County, Georgia 3
rustero photos: Lady of the Night Orchid
Through_Urizen: Defiant (
sonnia hill: Asclepias tuberosa var. cordata
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris
sonnia hill: Alophia drummondii
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris
sonnia hill: Clematis arenicola
sonnia hill: Passiflora incarnata
sonnia hill: Asclepias verticillata
sonnia hill: Liatris bridgesii
sonnia hill: Liatris tenuis
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris
andrewsloan1964: Brown hairstreak
sonnia hill: Platanthera ciliaris - first flower buds