misternaxal: All ghosts need ice cream.
misternaxal: #LocalFriday @wildgiftcoffee from @shiftcoffee , Buddha Bowl and We Got The Beet from @everydaynectar
misternaxal: Occupy the clothes
misternaxal: Skips turkey and goes straight to the nap.
misternaxal: Plum tart from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: #ToeBeanTuesday , extra side of floof for free.
misternaxal: Postal inspector Mongo approves.
misternaxal: Cortado and scientometrics @shiftcoffee
misternaxal: Home again
misternaxal: Brown butter torte from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: Tell me more about your element tree to convert those XML docs zzzzzzzz
misternaxal: Sunday morning judgement.
misternaxal: Rocked the @dirtycoast shirt today
misternaxal: Me-ooowwwwwww
misternaxal: All politics are local. @oakstdrafthouse @eastsidedentontx
misternaxal: Strawberry peanut butter mousse from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: Coconut cream pie from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: Introducing @im_a_big_fat_turtle to the Coffin Races!
misternaxal: Forgive the crappy backlighting and focus on the gorgeous sunset!
misternaxal: Buttercream chocolates from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: Foot warmer.
misternaxal: Meeeeeeow
misternaxal: Two Tails is all grown up and too big to hide behind the junction box!
misternaxal: Vanilla cheesecake from @ravelin_bakery
misternaxal: I hear you have a bad back. Let me help by pouncing on your chest as you slowly try to sit up! Good thing he's cute...
misternaxal: I can haz express plz?
misternaxal: This article is far more effective as cat padding than meaningful intellectual discourse.
misternaxal: Earlier today, Mongo tried to hide in the exam room during his visit to the vet.
misternaxal: "Keep your body in tune" t-shirt from @dirtycoast for the New Orleans Musicians' Clinic.
misternaxal: My arm is not my own.