Neil. Moralee: The sea and the shingle, Sidmouth.
Annadelf, back and catching up!: Adios La Havana, Version II
**wieske**: urban reflexions
Werner Schnell, Siegen: Museum Reinhard Ernst
Wolfgang Schrade: Unten am Fluss (68)
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Kolymbia, Bucht und Kap (view point) , 23086
Ta-com: DSC02000
Ta-com: DSC02165
D U B L: Yoga means 'Union'
Ros.alba: Sopra San Marco
Howard Somerville: The Grand Union at Berkhamsted
skschang: Splash
Haikeu: Morning
Milos Golubovic: Summer's Day End
hjuengst: Magic light
brendakirkley: Finding Your Place in the Sun
情事針寸II: Fuji Rodenstock Heligon 50mm F 2.0
Ivor Jones: Clarence Town
情事針寸II: Jardin du Luxembourg Angénieux 25mm F 1.4
a.cheerful.texas: red vine flowers
情事針寸II: Myosotis E. Krauss Paris Tessar 1 : 6.3 F- 155
B.Rufo: Borboleta...
情事針寸II: Geranium Blue Blood Boyer « S » 1 / 1 1 : 7.7 F = 210