Miss Sentinelli: According to the accordeon...
Miss Sentinelli: The Wall
Miss Sentinelli: The blue wall
Miss Sentinelli: Once upon a time...
Miss Sentinelli: Ohh…what a mess
Miss Sentinelli: The golden decay room
Miss Sentinelli: Choose the way and follow the decay
Miss Sentinelli: Let's play some music!
Miss Sentinelli: The stairs to..?
Miss Sentinelli: Lightpainting in the caves
Miss Sentinelli: Oh Agnus, where art thou?!
Miss Sentinelli: Let's pray for Agnus
Miss Sentinelli: Sitting in the decay
Miss Sentinelli: Going up or going down?
Miss Sentinelli: Aahh here is the gold! We found it!
Miss Sentinelli: Walking down the decayed stairs
Miss Sentinelli: Let's pray for soap...!
Miss Sentinelli: The stairway to decay (Explored)
Miss Sentinelli: Holy Hallway
Miss Sentinelli: Let's take a bath
Miss Sentinelli: Drinking and writing a letter...
Miss Sentinelli: My lovely bedroom..
Miss Sentinelli: Little shoes
Miss Sentinelli: Home Sweet Home!
Miss Sentinelli: My living room
Miss Sentinelli: Drinking in the cave!
Miss Sentinelli: Welcome to my office!
Miss Sentinelli: Woopz, too heavy!
Miss Sentinelli: Sitting in the light...
Miss Sentinelli: Burned down and decayed