Grayman ! Studying - CS6: Birth of a Universe
jmb_germany: ~~rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea, rolling home to di old Hamborg, rolling home sweetheart to di...
deb_000: Thank you Lord for this food...
Bob G in Ohio: Spring sunset in Ohio
Bob G in Ohio: Snow Flakes 13
deb_000: JoAn-3
weremakingit: Jump like you mean it!
Yo Spiff: Peekaboo!
seeit_snapit: BEE cuz
sylkyred1: Wynter taking a break
Manny45: Drop 23
spiritofredhorse: green hedgehogs
jciv: Spirals
deb_000: Textured Tulips
deb_000: Textured Tulips
deb_000: Cindy
xollob58: Les Rochers at St.Guénolé
eliselovesprada-sort of;-): Heavens Above - Day253/365
eliselovesprada-sort of;-): One Lump Or Two - Day240/365
seeit_snapit: Have a Grrrrrrrrreat New Year!
deb_000: Awe, she thinks I'm sweet...NOT