miss stake !: DAY OO6; I found a tidal wave begging to tear down the dawn
miss stake !: everything that keeps me together is falling apart
miss stake !: .O48. how do you measure love? [EXPLORED]
miss stake !: E X P L O E BBY
miss stake !: .O47. the science of sleep [EXPLORED]
miss stake !: .O44. I'm gonna free fall out into nothin', gonna leave this world for a while.
miss stake !: .O43. your smile can light up this whole town [MORE IN COMMENTS]
miss stake !: .O41. my favorite types of dreams are those of me dying
miss stake !: .O35. insert title here
miss stake !: .030. Tonight, tonight you are, you are a whispering campaign.
miss stake !: .027.“The key to change... is to let go of fear.” [EXPLORED]
miss stake !: flickr's love story.
miss stake !: june f a v e s
miss stake !: a tout a l'heure june, you were such a prune ;]
miss stake !: .022.I bet farrah fawcett is having words with michael jackson in heaven for stealing her thunder
miss stake !: .021. If I know what love is, it is because of you.
miss stake !: .016. You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself.
miss stake !: .012.'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown So, let go (EXPLORED)
miss stake !: .003. I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge? (EXPLORED)
miss stake !: .002point5. when heaven and hell switch places
miss stake !: .001. hello summer c: (EXPLORED)
miss stake !: our love is gone
miss stake !: break free
miss stake !: the city is our playground
miss stake !: the city that never sleeps
miss stake !: my heart is brokeh