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albums of Ms. Levin and Ms. Shapiro
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2024-25 4th Grade Inspired by The Blue Riders
2011 First Grade Castles
2021-2022 Fifth Grade Dragon Eyes
2020-2021 Second Grade Squirrels
2020-2021 First Grade Squirrels
2020-2021 Second Grade Low Ink Marker Trees
2020-2021 First Grade Talavera Suns
2020-2021 Second Grade Cone,Sphere,Cylinder
2020-2021 First Grade Dragon Eggs
2020-2021 First Grade Love Themed Art
2020-2021 First Grade Owl WIP
2020-2021 First Grade Snow Globes
2020-2021 Second Grade Sun & Moon
2020-2021 First Grade Honoring the 46 Million Turkeys
2020-2021 Second Grade Sings Their Names
2017-18 Kindergarten Leaping Animals
Fifth Grade Emoji Embroideries 2017-18
2017-18 Fourth Grade Embroidery Skulls
2017-18 Third Grade Costa Rican Ox Carts
2017-18 Kindergarten Snorkelers
2017-18 Sixth Grade Architectural Sculptures
2017-18 Fourth Grade Ceramic Heads
2016-17 Third Grade Rose Windows
Fifth Grade Animal Op Art Sculptures 2016-17
Sixth Grade Matisse Cut-Outs
Sixth Grade Framed Branch 2016-17
Fifth Grade Circular Weavings 2016-17
Kindergarten Black Cats 2016-17
Kindergarten Spider Webs 2016-17
Second Grade Saturns 2016-17
Kindergarten Fish Pillows 2016-17
Fourth Grade Feet Portraits
First Grade Teepee Scenes 2016-17
First Grade Rattlesnakes 2016-17
Fifth Grade Pen and Ink Landscapes 2016
Second Grade Paper Quilts 2014-15
Sixth Grade Chair Drawings 2015-16
Fifth Grade Clay Rooms 2015-16
Fourth Grade Animal Medicine Mandalas 2015-16
Fifth Grade Radial Symmetry Names 2015-16
Kindergarten Black Cats 2015-16
Fifth Grade Emoji Pillows 2015-16
First Grade Talavera Suns 2015-16
Second Grade Three Dimensional Robots 2015-16
Sixth Grade Miniature Bakeries 2015-16
Sixth Grade Zodiac Mosaics 2015-16
Third Grade Sewing 2015-16
5th grade guitars 2015
Fifth Grade Clay Rooms 2014-2015
Kindergarten Seahorses 2014-2015
Fifth Grade Warm and Cool Trees 2014-2015
Sixth Grade Victorian Houses 2014-2015
Fourth Grade Dia De Los Muertos Skulls 2014-2015
Fourth Grade Totem Poles 2014-2015
Second Grade Aliens 2014-2015
Third Grade Japanese Tea Sets 2014-2015
Sixth Grade Name Skeletons 2014-2015
Kindergarten Mermaid Puppets 2014-15
Third Grade Deedee Cheriel Inspired Animals 2014-2015
First Grade Owls 2014
First and Second Grade Emotion Charts 2014
Fifth Grade Judy Chicago Plates 2014
Kindergarten Zebras 2014
Second Grade Pop Art Fast Food 2014
Fifth Grade Jasper Johns Maps 2014
Sixth Grade Emotional Vegetable pillows 2014
Third Grade African Huts 2014
Second Grade Grandma Moses 2014
Fifth Grade Cartoon Characters 2014
Fourth Grade Black History Portraits 2014
Fifth Grade Animal Drawings and Prints 2014
Kindergarten Leaping Animals 2014
First Grade Snow Globes 2013
Third Grade Chinese Robes 2013
First Grade: What Does the Fox Say? 2013
Sixth Grade Grid Drawings 2013
Fifth Grade Tree Silhouettes 2013
Second Grade Witch Legs 2013
Third Grade Monsters 2013
Second Grade Symmetrical Aliens 2013
First Grade Native American Satchels 2013
First Grade Frank Gehry sculptures 2013
Fourth Grade Native American Rattles 2013
Second Grade Cone Sphere Cylinder Books 2013
Kindergarten Explorations
Fifth Grade Miniature Bakery
Kindergarten Stuffed Animals 2013
Sixth Grade Goddess and God Masks 2013
Sixth Grade Family Metaphor Drawings 2013
First Grade Seussvilles 2013
Fourth Grade Monster Trucks 2013
Hailey W
Eli T
Kaylee T
Luke S
Wyatt S
Brett P
Clare L
Esther K
Gavin G
Ricky E
Jack E
Nastasia D
Lily C
Jonathan B
Sadie B
Ryan Y
Griffin W
Jade S
Violet S
Asher R
Morgan M
Sydney L
Isaiah L
Claudia L
James K
Teddy K
Max K
Olivia I
Maddy G
Jasmin C
Devin A
Fourth Grade Rooms in Perspective 2013
Fourth Grade Chairs 2013
Third Grade Shirts 2013
Third Grade Suitcases 2013
Third Grade Japanese Architecture 2013
Second Grade Hero Portraits 2013
Second Grade Space Scenes 2013
Sixth Grade Silhouettes 2013
First Grade Monster Trucks 2013
First Grade Bikes 2013
First Grade Owls 2013
Second Grade Window Quilts 2013
Brian A
Isabella C
Jared N
Sarah M
Jessica D
Liam F
Sofia H
Duke F
Luca D
Emily B
Leelee B
Addy T
Ken K
Second Grade Holiday Dinners 2012-2013
Fourth Grade Mandalas
Sixth Grade Self-Portraits 2013
Second Grade Gumball Machines 2013
Fifth Grade Jasper Johns Maps 2012-2013
Kindergarten Holiday Trees 2012-2013
Kindergarten Black Cats 2012-2013
Second Grade Flamingos2012-2013
Summer School 2012 Pop Up Cards
Summer School 2012-Jewelry Making 2
Dia De Los Muertos Altar 2012
Sixth Grade Treehouses2012-2013
Fourth Grade Totem Poles 2012-2013
Third Grade Masks 2012-2013
Fifth Grade Clay Monster Heads 2012-2013
First Grade Desert Silhouettes 2012-2013
Kindergarten Fish 2012-2013
Fifth Grade Screen Prints 2012-2013
Kindergarten Sailboats 2012-2013
Fourth Grade Ceramic Medallions 2012-2013
Second Grade Ice Cream Cones 2012-2013
Summer School-Future Engineers 2
Summer School-Jewelry Making 1
Second Grade Pop Up cards 2012
Third Grade Mullholland Drives 2012
Fourth Grade Gears 2012
6th Grade Embroidery 2012
First Grade Sea Serpents 2012
Sixth Grade Paper Fashion Dolls 2012
Fifth Grade Andy Warhols 2012
First Grade Bicycles 2012
Third Grade Shirts 2012
Second Grade Hero Portraits 2012
Fifth Grade Radial Symmetry Designs 2012
Second Grade Mickey Mouses 2012
Kindergarten Animal Masks 2012
Sixth Grade Self-Portraits 2012
Kindergarten Eric Carl Lions 2012
Grandma Moses 2012
Second Grade Holiday Dinners2011
Fourth Grade Animal Medicine Shields_Fall 2011
Sixth Grade Clay Slab Animals_Fall 2011
Kindergarten BlackCats 2011
First Grade Camels_Fall 2011
First Grade GeorgiaO'Keeffe skulls2011
Sixth Grade Hand Prints
Second Grade Stuffed Animals_Fall 2011
Second Grade Monsters In My Mind_Fall2011
Third Grade African Masks
Third Grade African Textiles-Fall 2011
Fifth Grade Dia De Los Muertos Skulls-Fall 2011
Fourth Grade Glass Bottles_Fall2011
Kindergarten Yellow Submarines_Fall 2011
Fifth Grade Emotional Vegetable Pillows, Fall 2011
Sketchbook Project-Treehouse
Kindergarten Shells-Fall 2011
Sixth Grade One Point Perspective Fall 2011
Sketchbook--Life Underground
Kindergarten Octopus Project
Fifth Grade Treehouses
Sixth Grade Victorian Houses
Kindergarten Treehouses
Fifth Grade Imaginary Fairy Tale Sculptures
Fourth Grade Mannequins
Fifth Grade Tiles
Fourth Grade Gesture Drawings
Second Grade Card Characters
Kindergarten Butterflies
Third Grade Art Tools
First Grade Castles
Second Grade Horse and Wagon Paintings
Sixth Grade Stages
Fifth Grade Shoe Drawings 2011
All School Art Show 2011
Kindergarten Jungles
Kindergarten Guitars
Sixth Grade Silhouettes
Fourth Grade Stencil Paintings
Memorable Correspondence
Fourth Grade Weavings
Third Grade Japanese Architecture Prints
First Grade Thiebaud Cakes
Second Grade Viking Ships
Third Grade Aboriginal Paintings
Fourth Grade Imaginary Musical Instruments
Kindergarten Pratt Portraits 2011
Fifth Grade Dressed Up Dachshunds
Third Grade Japanese Kimonos
Second Grade Arciomboldo Portraits
Kindergarten Yaks
Fifth Grade Visual Puns
Kindergarten Franz Marc Leaping Animals
Second Grade Candles in a Stained Glass Window
Third Grade Tribal Dolls
First Grade Native American Pots
Sixth Grade Emotion Paintings
Fourth Grade Tessellations
Fifth Grade Genre Transformations
Third Grade Ndebele Villages
Fourth Grade Masks
Kindergarten Sailboats
Third Grade Mondrian Paintings
Sixth Grade Halloween Sewing Project
First Grade Desert Scenes
Fifth Grade American Seals
Fourth Grade Clay Squirrels
Fifth Grade Jasper Johns Maps
Kindergarten Mini Aquariums
Animal Mural
mural painting
Graffiti Mania
Food Sculptures
Andy Warhol paintings
Sixth Grade Self Portraits
Sixth Grade Clay Shoes
Sixth Grade Ocean Boxes
Sixth Grade Expressive Self-Portraits
Sixth Grade Corner Drawings
Kindergarten Mermaid Puppets
Sixth Grade Japanese Fans
Kindergarten Rousseau Jungles
Kindergarten Black Cats
Kindergarten Dinosaurs
Kindergarten Vegetable Baskets
Kindergarten Dragon Kites
Kindergarten Hatching Eggs
Fifth Grade Jacob Lawrence Paintings
Fifth Grade Gnome Houses
Fifth Grade Horses
Fifth Grade Wild Things
Fourth Grade Art Tools
Fourth Grade Plaster Masks
Fourth Grade Picasso Faces
Fourth Grade Graffiti Art
Fourth Grade Electric Guitars
Fourth Grade Dragons
Fourth Grade Bottles
Third Grade Chicken or Egg
Third Grade Street Cars
Third Grade Ocean Animals
Third Grade Geometric Shapes
Third Grade Cityscape Prints
Third Grade Elephants
Second Grade Stuffed Animals
Second Grade Hero Portraits
Second Grade Holiday Dinners
Second Grade Eagle Flags
First Grade Owls
Second Grade Cone Sphere Cylinders
First Grade Desert Scenes
First Grade Leaves
First Grade Sister Corita Collages
First Grade Ferris Wheels