Miss Flighty: What is an Ounce?
Miss Flighty: What can I say, I'm Flighty!
Miss Flighty: Talkin Shit
Miss Flighty: Bottles
Miss Flighty: Still Cocktails
Miss Flighty: Spa Cocktails
Miss Flighty: Seperated at Birth
Miss Flighty: My Foxy Cameraman
Miss Flighty: What do I do with this thing?
Miss Flighty: On the Set
Miss Flighty: On the Set_2
Miss Flighty: On the Set 3
Miss Flighty: My Foxy Cameraman and my Cute and Cool Producer
Miss Flighty: Muddling with Makers
Miss Flighty: Love you John Cox
Miss Flighty: Its all about Me Me Me!
Miss Flighty: I'm Flyin'
Miss Flighty: I'm Drunk
Miss Flighty: Which Way Is Up?
Miss Flighty: Goofin with Skyy and Aperol
Miss Flighty: Goodie!
Miss Flighty: Glasses in Hand
Miss Flighty: From the Sky
Miss Flighty: Flighty and Glasses
Miss Flighty: Empty Glasses
Miss Flighty: Drunker
Miss Flighty: Drag Queen Eyes
Miss Flighty: Cocktails Yea!
Miss Flighty: Cocktails and Cocktales