Mighty June: Set design sketches
Mighty June: Model close-up
Mighty June: Model from Dr. Strangelove
Mighty June: Freaky baby
Mighty June: Lenses bigger than your HEAD
Mighty June: Notes on the Dawn of Man
Mighty June: Notes on movement
Mighty June: Lady scientist with style
Mighty June: Fashion sketches
Mighty June: Hamilton watch, prop
Mighty June: I like these chairs
Mighty June: Mini model of the Monolith
Mighty June: Sample Historical notes
Mighty June: About those cards
Mighty June: Historical notes
Mighty June: Historical notes
Mighty June: Wowsers
Mighty June: Clockwork Orange room
Mighty June: Constructive criticism
Mighty June: Poster ideas
Mighty June: Letter from Saul Bass
Mighty June: Letter from Saul Bass
Mighty June: Notes for Saul Bass
Mighty June: Labyrinth model
Mighty June: Axes from The Shining
Mighty June: The typewriter from The Shining
Mighty June: All work and no play...
Mighty June: Hi, Jack!
Mighty June: Darling but spooky
Mighty June: Darling sweater