Mighty June: I don't know what this
Mighty June: Can o' Worms
Mighty June: Anna Chambers plush
Mighty June: I met She-Ra
Mighty June: One of various zombie superheroes
Mighty June: Rosie!
Mighty June: Lego Cat Woman
Mighty June: Even the whip is in LEGOs
Mighty June: Sunday in the Park with...
Mighty June: Typography art
Mighty June: Aquaman
Mighty June: Mo' WW art
Mighty June: Hehehe
Mighty June: Backlit Wonder Woman
Mighty June: Reversible poster
Mighty June: Manga-style Batman/Girl
Mighty June: Wonder Woman
Mighty June: Laying another brick
Mighty June: Bricks of LEGO bricks
Mighty June: Disney cosplayers
Mighty June: Friends at the Con
Mighty June: Scottish Trooper?
Mighty June: Joker making a call
Mighty June: Widdle Amidala!
Mighty June: I don't know.
Mighty June: Battle!
Mighty June: Serious Iron Man
Mighty June: Star Wars pimps
Mighty June: OMG its Matt Groening!
Mighty June: Afraid to say hi to Matt Groening