Mighty June: Improvised plush project
Mighty June: Plush face
Mighty June: Almost done
Mighty June: Ta dah!
Mighty June: Hi, Jake!
Mighty June: Googly eyes!
Mighty June: mini-ice cream
Mighty June: Poor Toby!
Mighty June: by crafty Katie
Mighty June: Fimo mini cute things!
Mighty June: Obscene pile o' gifts
Mighty June: With Nuts dessert section
Mighty June: No Nuts dessert section
Mighty June: Annual jumbo family buffet
Mighty June: Obscene pile of gifts
Mighty June: Toby & his X'mas bone
Mighty June: Lego Deathstar
Mighty June: Pokemon
Mighty June: Totoro slippers!
Mighty June: Aww, Toby
Mighty June: Er, Kanyesaurex?
Mighty June: Handmade Tracy Island
Mighty June: Manufactured Tracy Island
Mighty June: Fortune!
Mighty June: Intoxicated with romantic feelings
Mighty June: Knitting
Mighty June: Hmm, looks like bloody zombie nails
Mighty June: Stitching with a bobby pin