Mighty June: Working on another hat
Mighty June: Mushroom hat for Ian
Mighty June: Mushroom hat for Ian
Mighty June: Starting on a new hat
Mighty June: Slanted
Mighty June: Haul from Michael's
Mighty June: Cupcake Hat base
Mighty June: Time to decorate
Mighty June: Cherry on top
Mighty June: Positioning the pom poms
Mighty June: Chocolate Cupcake
Mighty June: Crocheted Cupcake
Mighty June: Wristband
Mighty June: Left Mitten
Mighty June: Fingerless Mittens
Mighty June: Added the blossoms
Mighty June: Finishing touches
Mighty June: Strawberry Mittens done!
Mighty June: Makin' a hat
Mighty June: Lollipop Pin
Mighty June: Guess what I'm making
Mighty June: Peppermint Swirl
Mighty June: A splitting zygote?
Mighty June: Hmm...
Mighty June: Bedonkedonk
Mighty June: Positioning eyes
Mighty June: Adding bow and a mouth
Mighty June: Stuffed and tied off
Mighty June: And a touch of bling
Mighty June: Loop Stitch