Mighty June: Group... contemporary?
Mighty June: All that Jazz group routine
Mighty June: Jazz Hands!
Mighty June: Everybody lean with it
Mighty June: Tossin' hats
Mighty June: Ashley & Dominic
Mighty June: Ninja Breakers
Mighty June: Bollywood duet
Mighty June: Bollywood-off
Mighty June: YAY Bollywood group number!
Mighty June: Kathryn and Lauren
Mighty June: Bollywood boys and girls
Mighty June: Bollywood group dance
Mighty June: Lauren and the boys
Mighty June: Punky group routine
Mighty June: Robert & Dominic
Mighty June: Shirtless Dominic
Mighty June: B-boys of the world unite
Mighty June: B-boy leap
Mighty June: Disco boogie time
Mighty June: Businessman & Homeless man
Mighty June: Billy and Ade
Mighty June: Ade doing a kick as Billy ducks behind
Mighty June: Robert dancing with Allison
Mighty June: Robert & Allison
Mighty June: Run run run FLIP!
Mighty June: The End!