Mighty June: Hot Steppers
Mighty June: Old Timey Jazz band
Mighty June: Kathleen enjoying the show
Mighty June: Tug o' War!
Mighty June: Men's Tug o' War
Mighty June: Other side of Ladies' Tug o' War
Mighty June: Ladies Tug o' War
Mighty June: MC calling the Tug o' War
Mighty June: Cute little spectators
Mighty June: Co-ed Tug o' War
Mighty June: Heave! Ho!
Mighty June: They win!
Mighty June: Boys in Kids' Tug o' War
Mighty June: Girls in Kids Tug o' War
Mighty June: Go Girls!
Mighty June: Super cute old couple
Mighty June: Lucky man
Mighty June: Young and Old
Mighty June: Barefoot in the park!
Mighty June: Really Attractive couple no. 2
Mighty June: Really Attractive couple no. 1
Mighty June: Serious
Mighty June: Cute Flappers
Mighty June: Flapper ladies
Mighty June: Stripes and Plaid
Mighty June: Vanilla flappers
Mighty June: Sweet picnic table set!
Mighty June: Strongman!
Mighty June: Red bikini
Mighty June: Cute boy