Mighty June: Dunkin' Coffee
Mighty June: Folk dancing
Mighty June: Free cuban music
Mighty June: fountains
Mighty June: Graffiti
Mighty June: Yay scribble art
Mighty June: Kukuxumusu
Mighty June: Another church
Mighty June: Mare MAGNUM
Mighty June: Mare Magnum
Mighty June: Lookit us!
Mighty June: No "Hola Kitty" here
Mighty June: IMG_9008
Mighty June: Cuban band
Mighty June: IMG_9012
Mighty June: View from sky gondola
Mighty June: arch sculpture thing
Mighty June: Tall obelisk monuments again
Mighty June: Not sure what this is
Mighty June: Tapas Menu, Pt. 1
Mighty June: Tapas menu, Pt. 2
Mighty June: Entrance to the Gaudi park
Mighty June: Gaudi mosaic lizard
Mighty June: Gaudi columns
Mighty June: Gingerbread houses
Mighty June: Gaudi gingerbread house
Mighty June: Sam sittin' on some Gaudi
Mighty June: My awesome fan
Mighty June: Winding benches
Mighty June: Gaudi caveman hall