Mighty June: View of Florence
Mighty June: Purty river and bridges
Mighty June: I spy Il Duomo
Mighty June: Looking through kid binoculars
Mighty June: Firenze!
Mighty June: Firenze!
Mighty June: Italian Carousel
Mighty June: MORE DUOMO
Mighty June: YAY GELATO
Mighty June: Medusa
Mighty June: Outside the Uffizi
Mighty June: Bridge o' Shopping
Mighty June: Sam on the river
Mighty June: Pinocchio world
Mighty June: Pinocchio puppetry
Mighty June: Fancy gelato
Mighty June: Yet another museum
Mighty June: Bocca di Eros
Mighty June: Sculpture credit
Mighty June: at the Uffizi
Mighty June: Florence church
Mighty June: A piazza in Florence
Mighty June: Carousel
Mighty June: Love this dress
Mighty June: Purty Dresses
Mighty June: Ciao Bella
Mighty June: Gucci it out
Mighty June: More Duomo
Mighty June: Il Duomo