Mighty June: Dinosaur and pots
Mighty June: Vineyards in Gilroy
Mighty June: Sunny day
Mighty June: Gilroy fields
Mighty June: Sunny pastures
Mighty June: cows grazing
Mighty June: Big fat one
Mighty June: Heirlooms
Mighty June: Freaky Heirloom tomatoes
Mighty June: Cookie and her favorite toy
Mighty June: Hi, Cookie!
Mighty June: First look
Mighty June: Cozy in his carseat
Mighty June: Uncle Peter
Mighty June: Peter, Ted, & Ian
Mighty June: Peter can't resist.
Mighty June: Chillin' in Torrance
Mighty June: Gah, yummy hands
Mighty June: Dribbling
Mighty June: Grand Auntie & Ian
Mighty June: Giggle!
Mighty June: Dawww.
Mighty June: Beets & sheepsmilk cheese
Mighty June: Fish Carpaccio
Mighty June: Salmon Croquettes
Mighty June: Cloche