Mighty June: One of the bridesmaids
Mighty June: So many bridesmaids!
Mighty June: Bridesmaids and flowergirl
Mighty June: A very excited bride
Mighty June: John & Floy
Mighty June: Floy, hugging the new parents
Mighty June: Bride & bridesmaids
Mighty June: Best man & ring bearer
Mighty June: Sharing vows
Mighty June: First kiss as husband & wife
Mighty June: skylight
Mighty June: The bridesmaids relax for a bit
Mighty June: Two grand pianos!
Mighty June: One of many floral bouquets
Mighty June: Grab bags for the kiddies
Mighty June: Pink!
Mighty June: Nicholas plays in John's house
Mighty June: Model training starts young
Mighty June: Aunt Susan with Rylie again
Mighty June: Flower girl
Mighty June: Wedding couple and their parents
Mighty June: Square cake
Mighty June: Dinner buffet
Mighty June: Fancy garage!
Mighty June: Kiddie Tables
Mighty June: Nicholas admiring the skylight
Mighty June: Front of the house
Mighty June: Joann and Nicholas
Mighty June: Table centerpiece
Mighty June: Orchids under water