Mighty June: Serving the Turducken
Mighty June: Turducken slices
Mighty June: How Asians do X'mas
Mighty June: Uncle Ed's fried fish and noodles
Mighty June: Ted's Pakistani Chicken Curry and Naan
Mighty June: Pillow Fight!
Mighty June: Kids about to attack Bill
Mighty June: Katie and Zachary chasing Bill
Mighty June: Katie going after Bill
Mighty June: Micah and Zachary bringing the ghosts out
Mighty June: Spooky 2-headed X'mas ghost coming to get me
Mighty June: Wooo-oooo, 3-headed ghost
Mighty June: Lots of presents!
Mighty June: Clown-punk-like BeeDee
Mighty June: A strangely chubby version of Bill
Mighty June: Fancy X'mas tree at the Peninsula Hotel
Mighty June: C.O. Bigelow bag
Mighty June: Personal Library Kit from Bill and Jenn
Mighty June: Karaoke Revolution Party game for PS2 from Brian
Mighty June: iPod case from Cousin Sam