Mighty June: Mike and Dave play on the jungle ropes
Mighty June: Sheba coming out of a half-somersault
Mighty June: Half-somersault
Mighty June: Todd rolls out of a somersault
Mighty June: John-o-lantern
Mighty June: John's image on a pumpkin
Mighty June: Wonky-Lantern
Mighty June: Kareem avoiding being kicked in the face
Mighty June: :o at night
Mighty June: Emoti-lantern
Mighty June: Mark and Joanne catch up with Karen
Mighty June: The traditional Yahootini Ice block
Mighty June: Todd and Shelly give the party thumbs up
Mighty June: The Ohio crew: Shelly and the Todds
Mighty June: Karen and Ande
Mighty June: Karen and Haus do a slow dance
Mighty June: Shelly and Todd dance like maniacs
Mighty June: Earth Wind and Fire
Mighty June: Crazy Jester stilt lady dancing to EWF
Mighty June: Haus and Jenn rockin' out to EWF
Mighty June: Matte, confusing Yahoo! Bayou with a rodeo
Mighty June: Ande and Matte share a moment
Mighty June: Earth, Wind and Fire at Yahoo! Bayou
Mighty June: Jenn and Karen boogie to EWF
Mighty June: Todd and Ande rockin' the dance floor
Mighty June: Todd and Shelly groove to EWF
Mighty June: June, Jenn, and Karen dancing
Mighty June: Karen enjoys her Yahoo reunion
Mighty June: Brendan greets Matte and Ande
Mighty June: Joe, Frank, and Haena chat with Brian