GTMedia: Tobermory
Seven_Wishes: Penshaw Monument
Fotokunst Susanne: Marguerite Triptych
.^.Blanksy: God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man. ..Arthur Young
Fotokunst Susanne: A dream in plum pink
Brad Eide: Why I lingered . . . Explore 10-09-2015 #11
panga_ua: A Modest Charm Of Wildflowers
memoryweaver: 'Hipster's Heaven'.
steff808: The night is falling
In Memoriam: macfudge1UK: Food for the babies!
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Still Life with Lilies and other Flowers (1828)
panga_ua: Gotas De Adeus (Tears Of Farewell)
In Memoriam: macfudge1UK: Young sparrow waiting to be fed!
GTMedia: The shelf