Bernard Ruelle: Cerf (Cervus elaphus)
Thy Photography: Snow Bunting
vebests: le gros minet !
genital.grinder: Eagle Vulture
analogtexas: Dark-eyed Junco
Emma Braden: Great White Egret
Mick Erwin: Red Kite (Staffordshire)
Judy Royal Glenn Photography: "The Fox and the Tomato Plant" A fox kit enjoys a moment of solace as he sits by a tomato plant. | Judy Royal Glenn Photography
dany-46: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher - Coraciiformes - Alcédinidés
jackiebelmore: White-throated Sparrow by Jackie B. Elmore 11-20-2024 Jefferson Co. KY
Glenn.B: Black-tailed Godwit
Martin1446: Punkttorngräshoppa / Two Spotted Groundhopper (Tetrix bipunctata) female
clambert1000: Mésange à tête noire_1
cherrytree54: Scarlet-Macaw-DSCF2881
mikestreicher: Leopard
jlcummins: Fox Sparrow, sparrow patch
Francois Potvin - Photography: Harfang des neiges ❄️ Québec, Canada
Luca Avanzini: Goshawk ♂
denis.loyaux: Martin pêcheur d'Europe
Henri Dedun: râle d'eau
Bill Halladay: Cabbage White Female on Salvia
pf.paulofernandez: DSS09626 F
Sergio Bitran M: Grey Noody. Gaviotín de San Ambrosio. Tiñosa azulada​. Anous albivitta.
Mark Buchan Jones: Female Wigeon
markyf50: BARN OWL
arvind agrawal: IMG_1083-2
austindca: crab on lantana