Katrin Ray: Toronto's Tales of Dales. Cool Misty Morning in July
Antonio Chac: La luz del sol a través de las nubes
Antonio Chac: Puesta de sol
Antonio Chac: Anocheciendo
Katrin Ray: Canada 150 Fireworks on Toronto Planetoid
silwittmann: LAPA - Parana - Brasil
josha0007: Here fishy fishy
silwittmann: colores de Colonia del Sacramento
koen_jacobs: At the beach
Antonio Chac: Atardecer
Gerasimov.77: House on Mosfilmovskaya street, Moscow
greyloch: Blue jay in a tree
jss98photography: Gemeine Feldschwebfliege - Eupeodes corollae
Katrin Ray: Canada 150 Fireworks on CN Tower!
Antonio Chac: La orilla
silwittmann: Pelas ruas de Lisboa
Katrin Ray: Blue Hour Planet of Toronto Downtown
halima.djy: Together till the end
Sigma King: 꽃바위1
Sigma King: at the temple1
lunaryuna: no greater enchantment than that of water
lunaryuna: being drawn into it - HMM!
lunaryuna: a quiet life - HWW!
teca_ribeiro: Serra da Índia
teca_ribeiro: Na casa de Cora Coralina
lunaryuna: what's better than a life on the road
lunaryuna: fresh and unspoilt like a new day
teca_ribeiro: No entorno