dianne_stankiewicz: Kite Portrait
Fraton: short-eared owl in the snow
Fraton: jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus)
Fraton: Eurasian woodcock
Derbyshire Harrier: Ovipositing Emperor
Fraton: wild fox
mateiu_ana: Primavara in Retezat
Derbyshire Harrier: Martagon Lily
snatmann: Little Crake (Porzana parva)
snatmann: Little Owl (Athene noctua)
xulescu_g: Papilio machaon
denismartin: Romania
denismartin: Romania
Don Costello: _______Spring 47.0
Fraton: The battle of ruffs
Fraton: Whinchat in a field of rapeseed
Fraton: Alpine swift in flight
Fraton: Black-headed bunting
xulescu_g: Falco tinnunculus
Daniel ENGELVIN (4 Millions thanks): Swallow in Lugoj (Transylvania)
Fraton: pallid swift (Apus pallidus) in flight
Fraton: Western marsh harrier with catch - a bird baby
Daniel ENGELVIN (4 Millions thanks): Sparrow in Transylvania (Medias)
Fraton: water pipit with capture
Fraton: Fox on a country road
Daniel ENGELVIN (4 Millions thanks): Ceuca / Jackdow / Chouca des tours / Corvus monedula
Daniel ENGELVIN (4 Millions thanks): Ph-2019-05-26 18h34 Sighisoara Chouca des tours
Daniel ENGELVIN (4 Millions thanks): Stork in BAIA (Romania)
noridamar: P1140120