fiaflowers_: sometimes I worship you
fiaflowers_: {whenachildisborn}
unruly_e: This is the end, my friend.
unruly_e: ¡Yo quiero retirement! And preferably someplace warm.
unruly_e: Rush
unruly_e: It takes two
unruly_e: 48 frames per second exposes true nature of cats.
_giorgopoliti_: Anastasis
_giorgopoliti_: stuck in static
_giorgopoliti_: depression era
_giorgopoliti_: the internal struggle
_giorgopoliti_: the essence of time
_giorgopoliti_: Metamorphoses I
_giorgopoliti_: Metamorphoses II
_giorgopoliti_: Metamorphoses III
_giorgopoliti_: Metamorphoses IV
DraMan/ Roger Guetta - All iPhone: Madame X Staring Down Mr. Y
Sarah Jarrett: Statuesque
Sarah Jarrett: Cafe Rouge
Sarah Jarrett: The Disappointment
Sarah Jarrett: Devotion