rrhelhound1: TABBY!
rrhelhound1: Under construction.
rrhelhound1: A dusty path.
rrhelhound1: Longest Line
rrhelhound1: Bass geeee-tarrrr
rrhelhound1: N'awww;
rrhelhound1: Old people make me sad;
rrhelhound1: New Fisheye Lens!
rrhelhound1: Cliche light trails...
rrhelhound1: All we are is pretty faces;
rrhelhound1: Sunsets & car crashes;
rrhelhound1: Crossing the bridge.
rrhelhound1: Contrast-y..
rrhelhound1: Photography is the vision through logic;
rrhelhound1: Kill a man, a murderer;
rrhelhound1: Kill a million, a king;
rrhelhound1: Kill them all, a God;
rrhelhound1: House of the Rising Sun;
rrhelhound1: You don't take a photograph, you make it;