Mimsy Portmanteau: Door, Justin Sourire
Mimsy Portmanteau: The grin, close-up
Mimsy Portmanteau: Sunrise in blue
Mimsy Portmanteau: Sunrise in Green
Mimsy Portmanteau: Blue sprite
Mimsy Portmanteau: Donuts taking over
Mimsy Portmanteau: Sparkling smile
Mimsy Portmanteau: Crazy cats
Mimsy Portmanteau: Telephone poles (and it just gets weirder from there)
Mimsy Portmanteau: Yellow eye
Mimsy Portmanteau: Silver crown
Mimsy Portmanteau: Mean and green
Mimsy Portmanteau: Graffiti, underpass
Mimsy Portmanteau: Lantern jaw
Mimsy Portmanteau: Lavender face
Mimsy Portmanteau: Vive la froid
Mimsy Portmanteau: Bandaged and blue