raaen99: Smiling Towards the New Year
LindaMc2023: Smiley Spatula
Chrisrumma: #Smiley in Selective Colour#….
hwicker: Smile on Saturday - Selective Color Smiley
jim mcmellen: Smile it's Saturday
ladybugdiscovery: be bright
Catherine Sienko: Blue Monday
Small and Beautiful: Blue Monday with ivy . . .
Chrisrumma: Die bunten Türen von MADEIRA….
rimshot125: Happy Holidays!
Sarasota Abstracts: Festive LIghts
Skyline:): Festive Bokeh
jhtguksnaps: "FESTIVE LIGHTING".
yksweji: Festive Lights......
Elyane11: Lumière sur la Fée Clochette
Patrick Gamez: See you next year
Ro Cafe: Happy Holidays!
ingrid eulenfan: Licht am Tannenbaum
Timothy Valentine: holiday lights
Willy 1943: Festive lighting
roelivtil: Peaceful light
Crisumpierrez: The compass of life...
Maria Godfrida: Light...
raaen99: Christmas Lights
Marian Kloon (on and off): Christmas is over....
Chrisrumma: #Festive Lighting#….
LindaMc2023: Our Front Door
quietpurplehaze07: on the Christmas tree
Mireille L.: HLCoF! A bunch of lights
Steve Schar: 360/366 - Merry Christmas