wsc54972969: 2008 50F 高原之秋
ferpectshotz: A thing well done is worth doing…
ferpectshotz: The old cathedrals are good, but the great blue dome that hangs over everything is better…[explored]
Damien Seidel: Manarola
Gui, o gato: Pay attention, Nina!
Brian C~~: Kasuga Shrine 春日大社
JUANJOFER: Flor de rododendro
Kevin Steele: whisper
ming423: 院寺一偶
ming423: 京都黃金銀杏
Gui, o gato: It's rain...
Gui, o gato: Cutie Guti (Oh,Yeah! :-)
Gui, o gato: King Gui