privizzinis passion photography: “If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.” ― Jiddu Krishnamurti
Zlatko Vickovic: three pairs of legs
elsvo: 20/01/2016
elsvo: 23/01/2016
elsvo: 25/01/2016
Daniel.35690: Chez moi, le brouillard de ce soir . . . 4/52 - thème " Outdoor ".
Jean S..: La descente
elsvo: 17/1/2016
Daniel.35690: Photophore Mobile . . . 3/52 - thème " Out Of Focus ".
renatolazzarini: Gato - Cat - Eyes - Olhos
elsvo: 15/11/2015
elsvo: 22/11/2015
elsvo: I lie and I cheat
elsvo: 10/12/2015 - 4
elsvo: 22/12/2015
elsvo: 21/12/2015
elsvo: 2/1/2016
elsvo: 3/1/2016
benjaminberger111: BMW & Mini
Ric Capucho: Lisbon - Ilford XP2
renatolazzarini: London - Holland - Park - Couple - Lake
renatolazzarini: Paris - St Etienne du Mont - Black - White - Woody - Allen
renatolazzarini: UNIMEP - Countryside - City - Skyline - Sky - HDR