~Patti~: Watching the jet boat go by!
~Patti~: A little bit of morning fog!
~Patti~: Ship and the dredge on the river this morning!
~Patti~: Met the Astoria Column at the Sunday Market!
~Patti~: Hungry little bumblebee!
~Patti~: At Costco the other day!
~Patti~: Beautiful day at the coast!
~Patti~: Tillamook, Oregon county fair!
~Patti~: Just a couple of ole turkey vultures!
~Patti~: Lots of turkey vultures!
~Patti~: Just a little hole opened up to give us a little blue sky!
~Patti~: Lots of little birds walking!
~Patti~: Coast Guard training on the river!
~Patti~: Lots of shaggy grass in the state park!
~Patti~: Going across the bridge saw a big ship burning some of that fossil fuel!
~Patti~: Lots of lumber waiting to be shipped overseas!
~Patti~: Some color in the sky this morning!
~Patti~: Outstanding in his field!
~Patti~: The start of our week long Kite Festival!
~Patti~: Two bucks playing around in our front yard!
~Patti~: An old net shed for salmon fishing nets!
~Patti~: Cruise ship in port!
~Patti~: Finally a nice day at the beach!
~Patti~: Kite festival!
~Patti~: Round!
~Patti~: Just a lady and her dog!
~Patti~: 3 pretty tall trees!
~Patti~: They look so peaceful, just relaxing on the logs!
~Patti~: Brown pelicans on the beach!
~Patti~: Surfer out in the ocean and brown pelcians checking them out!