~Patti~: Enjoying a summertime ride on the beach!
~Patti~: Rollin up river!
~Patti~: Driftwood covered in barnacles!
~Patti~: All alone!
~Patti~: A Yucca plant!
~Patti~: The gang is ready for a treat of sherbet!
~Patti~: Bright and pink!
~Patti~: The pelicans are back!
~Patti~: Nice and bright yellow!
~Patti~: Bright pink flowers just for the bees!
~Patti~: The ocean was really still today but very blue!
~Patti~: She has a passenger on her back today!
~Patti~: Pink wild rose with a bee!
~Patti~: Clover with a bee!
~Patti~: All in a row!
~Patti~: A really nice day at the beach for a change!
~Patti~: This lock is getting pretty rusty!
~Patti~: Wild rainy weather on the bridge today!
~Patti~: Wild rainy weather on the bridge today!
~Patti~: Nature taking back over the yard!
~Patti~: Nature taking over the old fence!
~Patti~: Red lantern!
~Patti~: Red cups and a red gnome!
~Patti~: Watching them practice!
~Patti~: Enjoying the clover!
~Patti~: Old door hinge!
~Patti~: Really old door knob!
~Patti~: Just a little patina on the handle!
~Patti~: Just a little patina!
~Patti~: You are here!