~Patti~: 366/183 - 7/1/12 - Who's going first?
~Patti~: 366/184 - 7/2/12 - I am so tired!
~Patti~: 366/185 - 7/3/12 - Me and my little purple lamb!
~Patti~: 366/186 - 7/4/12 - Fireworks at the beach!
~Patti~: 366/187 - 7/5/12 - Very first merry-go-round ride! - #85 Fun/ 112 pictures in 2012
~Patti~: 366/188 - 7/6/12 - Wow big water!
~Patti~: 366/189 - 7/7/12 - The boys taking a break!
~Patti~: 366/190 - 7/8/12 - Fresh veggies at the Sunday market
~Patti~: 366/191 - 7/9/12 - Lonely little chipmunk!
~Patti~: 366/192 - 7/10/12 - Today he came back with a friend!
~Patti~: 366/193 - 7/11/12 - One big red chair! - #76 Young or Youth(ful)
~Patti~: 366/194 - 7/12/12 - I am so tired! - 50/ 100 possibilities
~Patti~: 366/195 - 7/13/12 - A field of daisies
~Patti~: 366/196 - 7/14/12 - Coming in for a landing!
~Patti~: 366/197 - 7/15/12 - Tiger lilys are blooming!
~Patti~: 366/198 - 7/16/12 - Looking up!
~Patti~: ODC - Begins with H - The Hinge on at least a 90 year old hutch
~Patti~: 261. 7/18 Friendship - 366/200 - 7/18/12 - Taking a nap is better with friends!
~Patti~: 366/201 - 7/19/12 - His treat and Mine!
~Patti~: 366/202 - 7/20/12 - Rocky & friend, Mr. Cat
~Patti~: 366/203 - 7/21/12 - New cars heading to Portland!
~Patti~: 366/204 - 7/22/12 - Just a gorgeous day at the Wa. Coast
~Patti~: 266. 7/23 "Unique" - Rocky's gorgeous tail!
~Patti~: 366/206 - 7/24/12 - Now in bloom/ Then just starting to bloom!
~Patti~: #1Scruffy Rocky or #2 Spiffy Rocky
~Patti~: 366/208 - 7/26/12 - Like a pink firecracker!
~Patti~: 366/209 - 7/27/12 - Just green!
~Patti~: 366/210 - 7/28/12 - Big huge kites!
~Patti~: 366/211 - 7/29/12 - Open wide!
~Patti~: 366/212 - 7/30/12 - Surfs up! - #53 Summer/112 pictures in 2012