hnt6581: 725
Tomek Zielonka: Roma Canon A-1
Mrs.Evil: DSC08951
Garuna bor-bor: И улица
martynawendland: DSC01866
martynawendland: DSC01806
martynawendland: IMG_0101
martynawendland: P1010338-2
martynawendland: DSCN1348 (2)
martynawendland: DSCN1324 (2)
hnt6581: 6pm
hnt6581: the eye of the firestorm
hnt6581: WWII
Tomek Zielonka: Canon A-1
ninja_tune: Andreya Triana - Ninja Tune XX Brussels by Fabrice Bourgelle
ross mcross.: Cavafi
ross mcross.: Лада
ross mcross.: Hotel, Łódź
Pierluigi Riccio: I've Passed This Way Before
dreifachzucker: selfie with white shades and a black vespa