uentseit1: IMG_0731
dadafang100697: 奈良 x 路
aelx911: 奈良東大寺
壽司爆硬: 奈良公園
Takashi Toyosaki: Tokushima Cat Color #267
tyodai: 田んぼと雲
West Leigh: Húsavík Humpback
Yuri Figuenick https://www.instagram.com/yurifigue: Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Robert A Heinlein
simao2: 16577
Yuri Figuenick https://www.instagram.com/yurifigue: Life is a trip, plan your next vacation. Matthew E. Fryer
sugapoko: KPSG0728
kumo 雲: 今日の猫
taniuniyana: 🍂🍁🍃🍁
@Mahalarp: To Heaven
Mikko Lagerstedt: The Bridge
Masahiro Makino: 南禅寺 紅葉
Marser: thrivers on islands #112 (Taketomi Island, Okinawa)
kumo 雲: 今日の猫
Marser: thrivers on islands #113 (Cat Village, St. Julians, Malta)
Gabriela Tulian: The best project you will ever work on is you, believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.
Fantasyfan.: 20110708_15318c
chikaoka1: シロスジアマリリス Barbados lily
chikaoka1: 小さな赤い薔薇 a small red rose
t_mimizuk: 公園のジロ
*♨*: Sunday morning Yosan Line railroad crossing
*♨*: 矢掛