mikeworld: Here! let me 'recycle' that for you!
mikeworld: A staircase, a staircase, my nut kingdom for a staircase!
mikeworld: Where is he!!! He only said he was taking the trash out
mikeworld: Read My Lips
mikeworld: Bodhisattva, you must give up material goods to achieve enlightenment. I myself will relieve you of those burdensome nuts.
mikeworld: What... Curves gym is having a special? Why you telling me?
mikeworld: See? Eating and balancing, we Squirrels CAN multi-task!
mikeworld: Whataya mean it is so easy even a squirrel can do it?
mikeworld: Hey Mike, give me your best fast ball!
mikeworld: Could you feed me walnuts today? The peanuts are getting to be boring.
mikeworld: Tree....thats the magic lumber
mikeworld: Mrs Squirrel told me to go out and get something that would tickle her fancy!
mikeworld: Man those weird nuts gave me cotton mouth
mikeworld: Hey Mike... How do you like my new goatie beard? - I'm going for a hip new San Fransiscan look
mikeworld: Psst! There is a mole in the garden....and I'm here to sniff him out!
mikeworld: This yard aint big enough for the both of us pard'ner!
mikeworld: I'll see ur peanut and raise you 2 walnuts and a hazelnut!
mikeworld: I feel the need.....the need for nuts!
mikeworld: Lets see what sort of tune I can get outta this here mouth-organ.... next stop the Grand ol' Opry
mikeworld: Look, This one is empty and I didn't eat it.
mikeworld: Nuts, for lack of a better word, are good. Nuts are right. Nuts work. Nuts clarify, cut through, and capture the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Nuts, in all of their forms
mikeworld: I love the smell of groundnut oil in the morning....smells like... victory!
mikeworld: I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille
mikeworld: I caught a fish this big!
mikeworld: I can do shameless begging you know...
mikeworld: So how many megapixels do you get with that thing?
mikeworld: You're thinking... Did I eat 5 nuts or 6? Do you feel hungry punk? Well do ya?
mikeworld: These darn fortune cookies!
mikeworld: Batter Up!
mikeworld: 12,000 of these nuts cracked and I still aint found the golden ticket!