mikeangol: DSC_0759
mikeangol: DSC_0753
mikeangol: DSC_0751
mikeangol: DSC_0746
mikeangol: What’s worse, walking away or watching helplessly? Maybe both are equally painful beyond measure. No humans or animals were hurt in the production of this photograph.
mikeangol: And she was the night. She roared towards me, mouth agape as if to warm me of what was to come. Little did she know, I thrive in darkness.
mikeangol: Some of the City's most insteresting inhabitants walk or scurry on 4 legs
mikeangol: Atlantic Avenue/ Brooklyn Heights
mikeangol: 96th street Station
mikeangol: Within 5 meters of this entrance, smoking is prohibited...OR ELSE!
mikeangol: Please, please, please...
mikeangol: Christmas 2018
mikeangol: Christmas chair 1
mikeangol: Christmas chair 2
mikeangol: Christmas chair 3
mikeangol: Christmas chair 4
mikeangol: Christmas chair 5
mikeangol: Piano
mikeangol: Christmas Chair 6
mikeangol: Untitled
mikeangol: Lenox Ave/ Harlem
mikeangol: Court Street/ Brooklyn Heights
mikeangol: How did she put this on by herself?
mikeangol: Tadaaa!
mikeangol: Rainy day preacher
mikeangol: Snowy night
mikeangol: Almost invisible/ camouflage