Greg David: When there's a puddle
Cosper Wosper: Cattle egret
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: Légion Irlandaise - Empire Francais. Badge of the Irish
Yogibear44: Soldier , View Large !
tim stenton Mountain Hare (Lepus timidus) 26 Jan-17-23439
Jackie Hall 70: IMG_0419
Ian Redding: Narrow boat on Kennet and Avon Canal in autumn
maddiver58: (Juvenile) Great Spotted Woodpecker
Steve Balcombe: Glastonbury Tor sunrise 2 of 2
snapp3r: Close encounter!
maddiver58: My entry to the refection competition.
tim stenton Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) 04 Oct-16-25053
Cosper Wosper: 35km upstream - Common Seal ~ Phoca vitulina
Cosper Wosper: Record shot: Little Stint ~ Calidris minuta
maddiver58: Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker
Jackie Hall 70: IMG_9993
Cosper Wosper: Baby Harvest Mouse...
Yogibear44: Glen Coe Calling
Cosper Wosper: Fishing in the margins...
JFBaker: Ladram Milky Way
Oscar Dewhurst (dewie1994): Stoat (Mustela erminea) kit, Suffolk, UK
Jackie Hall 70: IMG_4602
Cromwell's Boy: Little Bittern at RSPB Ham Wall
ROBERT M BALCH: Regular visitors to my garden, taken this evening.