Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Top Haven for Harlequin Ducks
Chantal Jacques Photography: He went thataway!
Chantal Jacques Photography: Emergency Landing? - Great Blue Heron Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Bar-tailed Godwit
Chantal Jacques Photography: All Landing Gear Up - Oystercatcher Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Western Sandpiper - On a bed of greens :)
Chantal Jacques Photography: Dunlin on the go
Tim Melling: A Welcome Visitor
RogerioPCRodrigues: Stercorarius skua | Moleiro Grande | Great Skua
TheNatureGrapher: Black egret - Egretta ardesiaca
TheNatureGrapher: Black egret - Egretta ardesiaca
TheNatureGrapher: Black egret - Egretta ardesiaca
Carolien114: Roodnektangare - Red-necked Tanager
w.fischer: lestes-sponsa-24-02 Grey Squirrel Greater Spotted Woodpecker
skassam: Great Gray Owl
Gf220warbler: Greater Sage-Grouse (m)
Gf220warbler: Greater Sage-Grouse (f)
MyKeyC: Northern Pintail Drake
neilcairnsifa: Eurasian Bullfinch
dtfld: Shortie
dtfld: Goosander (F)
Spinney Birder: Pintail - Drake
Spinney Birder: Smew - drake or White Nun
ohmpics: Nilgans - Egyptian Goose - Alopochen aegyptiacus European Robin