themikestand: Swim Debrief
themikestand: Ready for the Pool
themikestand: DSC_4198
themikestand: DSC_4202
themikestand: DSC_4208
themikestand: Out of the Pool
themikestand: Into T1 Transition
themikestand: Out of Transition
themikestand: Bike Course
themikestand: Finishing the Bike Course
themikestand: Race Debrief
themikestand: Finished! With Ian the Bike Official
themikestand: Getting ready for the pool
themikestand: Let the Swim begin!
themikestand: First out of the pool!
themikestand: Out of the Pool
themikestand: Into Transition T1
themikestand: Finishing the Bike Course
themikestand: Starting the Bike Course
themikestand: Big Finisher!
themikestand: Little Triathletes