raizesematrizes: Exposição de Fotos - Mirian Guarnieri
raizesematrizes: Exposição de Fotos - Mirian Guarnieri
haL 9oo0: sous la lune
luisa_m_c_m_cruz: Blue butterfly
naturepic08: Red Admiral
BumbyFoto: Central Park
M.Baronheid: Reflections - low
Sionelly Leite: Everybody loves the sunshine
Ben Heine: Pencil Vs Camera - 46
Ben Heine: Pencil Vs Camera - 6
henk.wallays: Inachis io - Dagpauwoog
pallab seth: The Palanquin Bearer
Ale.Almeida.Photos: Quinta Flower
Batikart: Look straight through the Wings of the Butterfly
Batikart: Anemone blanda - Blue Shades
Bienenwabe: Honey bees foraging on a Roadside thistle.
biancophoto.: Flor de Pêssego - Prunus persica
MREDSON8678: flor color 778
slider5: primrose field view 2
Myrna Attaway: Hedge Bindweed
Myrna Attaway: Showy Evening Primrose
haL 9oo0: don't stand so close to me
haL 9oo0: la siesta
haL 9oo0: lost in thoughts
Bruno Flora: Sincronia
haL 9oo0: hey! who's talking?
Hugo =): It's a little piece of an amazing nature.